The MI's in online learning

Sunday, July 30, 2006

More people-smartness

Looking at how interpersonal relationships can be nurtured, I have found more ideas. What follows are are few which are for blogs, but illustrate other tools which are available online.
I have just managed to download a widget (a virtual gadget which can be placed on ones website, blog or screentop). This enables people to chat while viewing the blog. This can be pre-arranged (which probably works the best) or can happen incidentally if it is a blog which is often viewed by a large number of people.

The ingenious thing about this is that an educator can pose a task, ask a question, start a discussion, etc, and the readers can actually communicate realtime, working together in fulfillment of the task.
So, take a moment to chat with a friendly co-viewer or post a comment saying how you would use a chat tool on your blog!


Blogger Maria Claudia Bellusci said...

Hi, Illya!
Your idea about using the chat widget in your blog for class discussion is very good. The teacher could post a task in the blog and students discuss their ideas about it in order to draw their own conclusions. At the same time, students could make synchronous contact with classmates, especially in distance courses.
The limiting factor I see about this chatroom is that users' names are not displayed. They should set some kind of login to improve this widget's usablility.
On the whole, you have a great blog, Illya. Congratulations!

3:28 PM  
Blogger Illya said...

Thanks Claudia for your comment! I'm really quite proud that I figured out how to add it- '...try, try again':-P
I've also noticed on the LwC blog how difficult it is to make contact in the chat box without knowing who's there. This is definitely a tool that needs developing.
Do you know the cbox tagboard?
This may be an alternative, but the messages remain in the box, though here too, there are arguments for and against this.

1:09 PM  
Blogger Dennis said...


Just to say: "Dennis was here." I need to return and really spend time with your blog before I can make a sensible comment - but I hope to do that.


11:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Illya, I have worked with this ( before and I think it is very useful. It provides an interesting test for us to find our strengths. I thoughtyou would like to know it too.
Oh! I am really fond of this topic (MI).

5:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is a suggestion: (Multiple Intelligences in EFL: Exercises for secondary and adult students by Herbert Puchta & Mario Rinvolucri.

6:19 PM  
Blogger Mary H said...

Congratulations on installing the chat widget in your blog. The other day I happened to chat with Claudia on her blog and found out that this is a very useful tool, indeed! I'm looking forward to reading more of your posts; the content is wonderful.

4:51 AM  

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