The MI's in online learning

Thursday, May 04, 2006

coffee break

One way of talking to the body smart is to motivate someone to get up and do something. I've given a couple of examples, but here is another means of motivation.

It was a delicious coffee with lots of milk foam at the top. wouldn't you like one too? Or maybe a nice cup of tea? Mm. Why don't you just go and get yourself one. I'll wait here for you :-)

The original plan had been to use the webcam to show you the art of eating croisants with coffee. Since I couldn't find out how to publish it on this blog, I opted for the easier way.
If you know how to add video to a blog, please let me know in the comments.

Use of the webcam has a couple of advantages (provided you know how to publish the video.)
You can motivate someone to illustrate or explain something in front of the webcam and then publish it, or you can motivate someone to carry out a task which requires movement, e.g getting up.

Videos also appeal to the visual and audio-types (which aren't necessarily equivalent with picture and word smart, but can be), and can also encourage logic-smartness in a problem-solving task.