The MI's in online learning

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Why teach for the MI's?

Before looking at the how, we should first look at the why of teaching for multiple intelligences.

By teaching for different intelligences it is possible to reach more people through more channels.
This is similar to teaching for different learning styles, mainly the following three are taken into consideration when referring to the different styles: auditive learning, visual learning and kinesthetic learning; however there are more. The different learning styles are automatically putto use when teaching for different intelligences.
These have long been used for learning disabled to enhance their learning, especially where one or more intelligences are underdeveloped, but the general learning community, including younger learners and language learners, have also discovered and use the knowledge and principle connected with MI. For an example- with intelligence test, see

One final point that should be mentioned before moving on is that the idea is to integrate as many intelligences as possible at any given time, thus catering for all learners and training weaker intelligences as well as profitting from the strong ones.

Although I will go through each intelligence individually in the proceding sections, I am only isolating them to be able to analyse them and if and how each can be catered for in online teaching.

The next sections will be with activities and I hope you will join in and comment on your own experiences and thoughts :-)


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