The MI's in online learning

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

The MIs

The multiple intelligences were first introduced and described by Howard Gardner in 1983. The idea is that in common IQ tests only the linguistic and logical-mathmatical intelligences are tested, but there are others which are just as relevant. He first identified 7 different intelligences and later added two more. Further ones have been under consideration but been denied on the basis of ethical issues. For Gardner’s own description of the intelligences in a paper authored by himself, see Howard Gardner

The first seven intelligences are often referred to as how to be smart. they are as follows:

word smart - linguistic intelligence showing a strong sensativity towards words

picture smart - spatial intelligence reflected in the abilty to see pictures in one’s mind or accurately depict pictures

logic smart - logical-mathmatical intelligence found in the abiltity to understand maths and complex logical systems

music smart - shown in the ability to understand and (re-)produce music

body smart - kinesthetic intelligence using the body skillfully to achieve a purpose or to express oneself

people smart - interpersonal intelligence related to communicating with others and ‘putting yourself in their shoes’

self-smart - intrapersonal intelligence of understanding one’s self and emotions

Further two intelligences have been accepted into the ranks:

Nature smart - naturalist intelligence used for identifying and classifying

Existence smart - the most recent one with an esoteric touch which is the ability to put oneself into the larger ’scheme of things’

There are so many sites and quite a few test on the web to find your strong intelligences - too many to be listed here, but a simple google of ‘multiple intelligences’ will be enough to find material to wander through for days.


Blogger Gladys Baya said...

What a fabulous blog, Illya! :-D! I'm definitely adding this to the links for my Developmental Psychology students! (I introduce teacher trainees into Psychology at a teacher's training college, you see?).
Where can I read more about your background, and how and why you got involved with this topic? Do you have an "About me" webpage, or something of the sort?

Kudos to you from Argentina!

11:59 AM  

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